Try our Schättle® Insurance Check

Let’s take a close look at your entire insurance portfolio! We will find savings and show you useful additions. Free of charge and without any obligation.


4 steps for your insurance check

Ask us for a free analysis of your insurance situation – right here.

We review your existing contracts, check for gaps and improvement potential.

You receive a report that we discuss with you in a personal consultation seccion.

You decide which changes and additions you want to make.

Independent advice and transparent comparison

You get a transparent overview and independent opinion on the insurance you should have. With us, this advice is non-binding and free of charge.

Best coverage with no effort

Most people are not experts in insurance and have little interest in the topic. Nevertheless, a well-put together package of sensible and well-priced insurance products is important for everyone.

We save you the bargain hunting, comparing and haggling.

Optimal price-performance ratio

If we find gaps or potential of improvement in your existing insurance portfolio, we look for better and cheaper offers for you. And always at the best price-performance ratio. Guaranteed!

Committed only to you

As an independent, family-owned company, we carry out our services without being influenced by financial groups, broker networks or investors. We are only committed to our customers.

Personal advice

Digital is great and we offer you a range of online services such as

  • Online advice on video telephony,
  • online claims reports or
  • Info via WhatsApp.

But sometimes it just feels good to have a personal conversation with a counselor.

That’s why we’re there for you in person in our three Vienna offices, even without appointment.

Highest quality

With us there are no endless phone queues or annoying call centers. We will connect you directly to a qualified insurance advisor who will take care of your concern.

And in our on-site offices you only have to deal with trained insurance salespeople anyway.

Claims Management

The proof of the pudding is in the eating! So in case of a claim we are happy to be there for you and assist you in the process.

Why is our advice free of charge for you?

As an insurance broker, we receive commissions from the insurer for contracts we have placed with them.

We receive this for the mediation and ongoing maintenance of the contracts. Therefore, we generally do not have to bill our customers for our services.

Wir checken Deine Versicherungen - kostenlos!

Wir melden uns umgehend nach Kontaktaufnahme mit Details zur weiteren Vorgehensweise. 

We check your insurance policies for free!

We will contact you as soon as possible with details on how to proceed.


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