Versicherungsbüro Schättle®

Your independent
insurance broker in Vienna

We guarantee independent advice & lowest rates - since 1970.


Your independent
insurance broker in Vienna

Your Expat insurance advisor.

Let's talk numbers

Founded in Ottakring in 1970, we are one of the oldest insurance brokerages in Austria.
Vienna is our home – where we have been providing independent and objective insurance advice for over 50 years.

years of experience
0 +
handled claims / year
satisfied customers
cups of coffee per year

Let customers talk

About us

Being an independent insurance brokerage, we consult objectively and independently.

At Schättle, only qualified professionals take care of your insurance matters.

Thanks to our unbeatable rates, we offer you better quotes than any online portal.

Vienna is colorful – so are we. This is why we also offer our insurance advice in English, French, Czech, Slovak and Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian.

You can always reach someone in our motivated team of consultants – whether you want to talk to us online, by phone, or in person at one of our offices!

Sounds good? Then contact us for a free consultation!

Your insurance consultation is handled by our qualified advisory staff.

In our consultations, we do not only rely on our know-how and our ongoing market screening, we also use state of the art software to find the best insurance for you in your current situation.

Not all things can be clarified via chat, email or phone. We are happy to welcome you at one of our three Viennese offices.

Make an appointment or just drop by during opening hours!

Did you know that by checking your insurance portfolio we can save you up to 800 euros per year?

In this way we create a price-performance ratio that sets us apart from the competition – online or offline!

For optimal risk protection, a good insurance should adapt if and when your needs change.

We therefore offer ongoing support for your insurance portfolio. If your life situation changes – just get in touch with us. By phone, online or at one of our offices, we will advise you on sensible changes to your insurance cover.

Of course, the ultimate test of insurance, is a claim. We are happy to support you with the handling, and to make sure that you get rightful compensation.


Floridsdorfer Hauptstraße 14
1210 Wien

+43 1 533 17 91 – 1210


Ottakringer Straße 138
1160 Wien

+43 1 533 17 91 – 1160


Gudrunstraße 137-139
1100 Wien

+43 1 533 17 91 – 1100

Unsere Öffnungszeiten:

Montag – Mittwoch: 08:00 – 16:00 Uhr, Donnerstag: 08:00 – 18:00 Uhr & Freitag: 08:00 – 14:00 Uhr

What does an insurance broker do?

In Austria insurance intermediaries fall into three broad groups: Insurance Representatives employed by an insurance company, self-employed Insurance Agents who are tied to one or a few insurance companies, and the independent Insurance Broker.

The employed representatives and tied agents advise and give act as agents of the respective insurance company and are therefore first and foremost obligated to this insurance company.

Insurance brokers are legally obliged to be independent and objective in their advice and they have to present the best possible insurance contract for their customers, built on their respective situation and on the basis of comprehensive market analysis.

As an insurance broker, we primarily represent the interests of our customers – which is a great advantage for you, when dealing with a tricky claim, with the negotiation of important contractual clauses, or when setting the premium!

Our independence is guaranteed by our owner structure

As a family-run business, we are not dependent on investors, we can plan for the long term and focus on the interests of our employees and customers.

This we are proud of!

As already mentioned, insurance brokers are legally obliged to provide objective advice and to represent the interests of their customers.

At the same time however, insurance brokers, just like the other groups of intermediaries, are generaly paid by the insurance company via commissions.

This is repeatedly criticized because the insurer could influence the type and amount of commission on the insurance broker and thus on your advice.

In our opinion, this concern is unfounded. In addition to the strong competition on the insurance market, the objectivity of insurance advices is also ensured by the statutory and professional regulations that are very strict for insurance brokers.

This is why consumer protection organizations advise consumers to seek advice from independent insurance brokers, before taking out insurance.

Your Expat insurance advisor.

Let's talk!

We guarantee independent advice & lowest rates - since 1970.

Bei uns zählt das persönliche Gespräch!

Dabei garantieren wir unabhängige Beratung und das beste Preis/Leistungsverhältnis für Deine Absicherung.

ENG € 200,- Euro! WOOOW!
Zulassungsgebühr sparen!

Bei Abschluss einer Vollkasko mit Rundum-Sorglos Paket
für Dein Auto schenken wir Dir die Zulassung!*

So funktioniert’s


Auf Grund einer Weiterbildungsveranstaltung sind unsere Filialen am Freitagden 6. Oktober, geschlossen.


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